Gerald S. Drose, PhD

770-953-4744 ext. 12
, Licensed Psychologist

Treatment Philosophy

My favorite part of clinical practice is watching people learn to live more complete lives in their family and at work. I work with adults and especially enjoy helping them with relationship problems. I have extensive training and experience in couples and sex therapy. I use experiential methods, including hypnosis, to help clients reduce anxiety and stress.

I am especially interested in creative expression at work and in personal relationships. One of the worst things about psychological problems is that they rob us of our creativity and ability to provide love to the most important people in our lives. Good psychotherapy, whether focused on reducing depression, anxiety, or other symptoms, unlocks natural creativity, allowing clients to let go of the heaviness of life and begin to truly enjoy experiences


One way to understand my approach to therapy is to read my blog site. For several years I wrote a bi-weekly column called “Sex, Love and Marriage” for an online publication and put many of the articles on this site


I wrote a novel (available on Amazon) called “Bird Gotta Land: The Education of a Young Psychologist” about a graduate student in psychology, loosely based on my time in grad school thirty years ago. Here’s the marketing blurb:

Bird Gotta Land is a riveting romp through psychology graduate school, offering a rare view behind the curtain of clinical training to show how becoming a healer requires addressing our deepest wounds. It’s a universal story about a young man’s journey from floating through life detached and disconnected to becoming fully present. Psychologist Gerald Drose’s debut novel shows how we get stuck and how we change, while exploring love, conflict, beauty, death…and softball.

Learn more about it at

The following podcasts feature me discussing my book and psychology in general:

Founder and Business Manager

I have gained valuable business experience founding, growing and managing a thriving therapy practice. In 1990 I co-founded Powers Ferry Psychological Associates and have helped to grow the practice from our original three therapists to over thirty clinicians operating out of four locations. In so doing, I’ve gained hands on appreciation for the complexities of successful business development, constructive team building, effective leadership and mastering organizational challenges.


  • PhD in Clinical-Community Psychology from University of South Carolina
  • Clinical Internship at Medical University of South Carolina

Office Locations

Fee Schedule

Click here for Gerald S. Drose, PhD's fee schedule.

Other Therapists

© 2004-06 Powers Ferry Psychological Associates, LLC

1827 Powers Ferry Rd. Bldg 22, Ste. 200
Atlanta, Ga. 30339
P: 770-953-4744
Fax: 770-953-4640